Message from the Chair

I am pleased to present the 2021 Safety Codes Council Business Plan, which represents the first year of our five-year strategic cycle. In 2021, the Board is presenting a single-year Business Plan to allow for flexibility in the face of the uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read more)

Message from the President and CEO

As Albertans feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing economic uncertainty, the Safety Codes Council has an important role to play, supporting
our partners in effectively using system resources to ensure the continued safety of Alberta’s built environment. (Read more)




2021 is the first year of the Council’s five-year strategic cycle. The 2021–2025 Strategic Plan was developed in collaboration with clients, stakeholders, and staff in order to respond to emerging challenges and take advantage of new opportunities to build on the strength of the system.


The Council has identified 10 key initiatives that will advance our strategic priorities in 2021. Each of these initiatives will be advanced throughout the year, with the targets due to be completed by the end of Q4 2021.


Budget Context

In 2020, economies around the world had to adjust to an event that no one predicted—a worldwide pandemic. Alberta’s economy was no exception, and in March 2020, the shutdown of non-essential business in Alberta caused a significant downward trend in new residential, commercial, and industrial construction. This resulted in decreased revenues for the Council and it is anticipated that this will continue into 2021.

Another significant factor the Council had to consider when determining the budget for 2021 was the addition of three programs to the organization in 2020: Métis audits, corporate audits, and storage tank systems. In regards to storage tank systems, the largest of these programs, the Council completed stakeholder engagement activities in order to identify ways to enhance these services. Improvements will be identified and implemented in 2021.

The development of the Council’s 2021 budget also took into account the following provincial economic projections from Alberta Treasury Board and Finance:

  • Real GDP growth of 3.3% is projected in 2021, up from -7.1% in 2020. Real GDP is forecasted to remain at 3.3% into 2022.
  • Housing starts are expected to remain flat in 2021 at approximately 20,300 and to decrease slightly in 2022.
  • West-Texas oil is expected to continue to remain under $50 in 2021, resulting in lower capital investment in this sector.
  • In 2021, unemployment in Alberta is expected to be 11.0%, marginally lower than 2020.
  • Alberta’s population is expected to grow by 0.7% in 2021 and 2022.
  • Interest rates announced by the Bank of Canada are expected to remain low in 2021 and into 2023.
Budget Highlights

The 2021 budget was finalized while the Council was in the process of developing its next five-year strategic plan. For that reason, the Council is presenting a one-year budget. As long-term priorities are established, the Council will again develop three-year budgets in future years.

The Council considers economic conditions, information from our stakeholders, and a review of historical revenues over a five-year period when developing the budget. The
Council anticipates levy revenues to drop by 4.7%, or $281,000, but foresees revenue in all other areas of the Council to hold steady. The addition of the storage tank systems program is expected to increase revenues by 3.5%, or $490,000.

Our expense budget has increased by 3.7%, or $561,000. The addition of the storage tank systems program has added front-line inspections to our service delivery model, and has
resulted in an increase in operating expenses. In 2021, the Council realized cost savings by offering virtual options for core services such as appeals, audits, examinations, and
sub-council meetings.

Strategic growth initiatives for 2021 include the updating of training materials for the building, fire, plumbing and electrical disciplines, a data analytics and business
intelligence project that will help the Council develop outcomes for our core programming, further investment in SCO workshops, and a comprehensive review of our education curriculum.

Throughout 2021, the Council plans to review its variable costs in an effort to find further costs efficiencies into 2022 and beyond.

The Council’s financial resources are reviewed monthly, quarterly, and annually to ensure ongoing fiscal responsibility.