What is Accreditation?

The Safety Codes Council has the authority to accredit municipalities, agencies, corporations, and regional service commissions to administer the Safety Codes Act within a specified jurisdiction. Accredited organizations work in the following disciplines:

  • Building
  • Fire
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Gas
  • Elevators
  • Amusement Rides
  • Passenger Ropeways
  • Pressure Equipment

No organization is accredited in all disciplines, and some are accredited in just one.


What do accredited organizations do for Albertans?

Whenever you apply for a safety codes permit, you contact an accredited organization.

Accredited organizations provide on-the-ground monitoring of compliance with safety codes. They employ safety codes officers to evaluate plans, issue permits, perform inspections, issue variances, and enforce compliance through orders.

Most Albertans are served in some form by accredited municipalities: currently, accredited municipalities cover 98% of Alberta’s population. Some of these municipalities contract accredited agencies to deliver safety codes services on behalf of its citizens.


Albertans who live in unaccredited municipalities are served by the Alberta Safety Codes Authority (ASCA), a division of the Safety Codes Council. For more information about ASCA,
click here.

Apply for Accreditation

To search a list of accredited organizations, click here.

Not sure where to get your permit? See our Where to get a permit feature.