What is Accreditation?
The Safety Codes Council has the authority to accredit municipalities, agencies, corporations, and regional services commissions to administer the Safety Codes Act within a specified jurisdiction. Accredited organizations work in the following disciplines:
- Building
- Fire
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Private sewage disposal system
- Gas
- Elevators
- Amusement rides
- Passenger ropeways
- Pressure equipment
No organization is accredited in all disciplines, and some are accredited in just one.
What Do Accredited Organizations Do for Albertans?
Organizations accredited under Alberta’s Safety Codes Act play a crucial role in ensuring safety and compliance across the province. These organizations, which can include municipalities, corporations, and agencies, are responsible for:
Permitting and Inspections
- They issue permits and conduct inspections to ensure that construction, installation, and maintenance activities comply with safety standards.
Monitoring Compliance
- They monitor adherence to safety codes in various disciplines such as building, electrical, plumbing, gas, and fire.
Most Albertans are served in some form by accredited organization. Some accredited municipalities contract accredited agencies to deliver safety codes services on behalf of their citizens.
Albertans who live in unaccredited municipalities are served by the Alberta Safety Codes Authority (ASCA), a division of the Safety Codes Council. For more information about ASCA,
click here.
To search a list of accredited organizations, click here.
Not sure where to get your permit? See our Where to get a permit feature.
Resources for Organizations
Maintain Accreditation
Modify Accreditation
Cancel Accreditation