Safety Codes Council Bylaws

The Safety Codes Council Bylaws form the foundation on which the Safety Codes Council is governed, structured, and operates. The bylaws are made pursuant to Section 19 of the Safety Codes Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, Chapter S-1 as amended.

In accordance with the Safety Codes Act, the Safety Codes Council may make bylaws

(a) respecting sub councils and committees of the Safety Codes Council and the delegation of any power or duty conferred or imposed on it, except the power to make bylaws, to a sub council or committee of the Safety Codes Council or a member of the Council.

(b) governing the calling of its meetings and the meetings of the sub councils and committees of the Safety Codes Council, and regulating the conduct of those meetings.

(c) governing the practice and procedure applicable to appeals before it.

(d) governing the business, property, operation and affairs of the Safety Codes Council.