Policies and Procedures
Below, you will find the Safety Codes Council’s policies and procedures, which address various activities and practices. The Programs and Services and Operations categories address the Council’s practices that fulfill our mandate, focusing on:
- supporting the Minister’s public policy objectives for the safety codes system,
- administering an appeals system, and
- delivering key programs and services to support the Minister’s administration of the safety codes system.
Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures approved under the new policy framework.
2.1.1 Safety Codes Officer Certification Policy Certificates of Competency Procedure
2.1.2 Continuing Education Program Policy Continuing Education Program Procedure
2.1.3 Master Electrician Certification Policy
2.1.4 Designation of Powers Policy Designation of Powers Procedure
2.1.5 Petroleum Storage Tank Contractor’s Approval Policy
Program Administration and Oversight
2.2.1 Complaint Management and Investigations Policy Complaint Management and Investigations Procedure
Accreditation Standard
Accountability in Accreditation Framework