Who Are Safety Codes Officers?

Safety codes officers (SCOs) are professionals with extensive knowledge of the codes and standards that establish safety requirements in the buildings and systems that Albertans use every day.

What do safety codes officers do?

SCOs perform code compliance monitoring services within the disciplines covered by the Safety Codes Act. SCOs are responsible for a number of tasks including reviewing construction plans, issuing permits, performing site inspections, and providing information to contractors and homeowners on code requirements.

Where do safety codes officers work?

SCOs work for municipalities, agencies, and corporations accredited by the Council to administer the Safety Codes Act. SCOs find themselves in various settings that may include working in an office, construction site, utility station, large industrial site, fire department, ski resort, or even an amusement park.

Accredited organizations employ SCOs to perform inspections, issue permits, and provide advice to contractors and homeowners. SCOs receive a Designation of Powers (DOP) when they are employed in this manner. Without a DOP, SCOs cannot administer the Safety Codes Act.

We certify SCOs in the following disciplines:
  • Building
  • Fire
  • Electrical
  • Gas
  • Plumbing
  • Pressure Equipment
  • Amusement Rides
  • Elevators
  • Passenger Ropeways
Permit Issuers

Permit issuers are individuals who have been designated the power to issue permits in certain situations where technical safety codes officer skills and knowledge are not needed.

The Council provides non-mandatory training on the duties and responsibilities of permit issuers. Permit Issuers (Course ID 100180) is available as an online, self-paced course. Register via Council Connect.

What is the Council’s role?

The Safety Codes Council certifies safety codes officers, ensuring that the people providing frontline services in the safety codes system have the skills they need. This includes:

  • Determining entrance requirements for each discipline we oversee;
  • Developing and updating SCO training;
  • Ensuring SCOs stay up-to-date on changes in codes, technologies, and the safety codes system;
  • Upholding the SCO Code of Ethics.

The Safety Codes Council has a complaint investigation process to resolve concerns about the conduct, performance, or competency of safety codes officers.