Thank you!
Every year the Safety Codes Council engages our clients in a survey to gather insights regarding Council services. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to complete the survey as we rely on this information to improve our processes and further enhance the effectiveness of the services we provide.
Between December 9, 2022 and January 18, 2023, all certified safety codes officers, certified master electricians, designated Quality Management Plan managers, and approved permit issuers had the opportunity to complete an online survey.
Here are some of the highlights from the 2022 survey:
Who we heard from:
1,114 responses were received
- 44% Master Electrician
- 34% Safety Codes Officer
- 15% QMP Manager
- 4% Permit Issuer
- 4% Other Positions (Development Officers, CAO, etc.)
Working for
- 58% Municipality
- 16% Corporations
- 13% Agency
- 4% Joint Municipality
- 9% None of the above
What we heard:
Customer service
Respondents continue to be pleased with the service they receive from Council staff. While each category showed a slight increase in satisfaction, there was minimal change from 2021 to 2022.
Online communication continues to grow each year and more than one-third of respondents had their most recent interaction with the Council via email. Since 2016, the proportion of respondents using the phone has decreased each year while the use of the Council’s website has increased from 12% in 2017 to 33% in 2022.
- Email 36%
- Website 33%
- Phone 25%
- In Person 3%
- Other 3%
Perception of the Council
Respondents generally had a positive view of the Council. Nearly three quarters of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with statements about the image and opinions of the Council.
- 74% The Council is consistent in its interactions with me
- 73% Council provides good customer service
- 67% Council works cooperatively with industry to improve the safety codes system
- 64% Council demonstrates objectivity, transparency, and accountability
- 62% Council provides programs and services that provide good value to me and my organization
- 71% The Council’s role in the safety codes system is clear to me
When asked where the Council could improve 231 respondents provided suggestions, which were analyzed into themes. The most common areas for improvement were:
- the level of communication/contact with organizations (71 respondents)
- the consistency in how safety code requirements are enforced (58 respondents)
- training courses (46 respondents)